Make It Safe OHS Conference and Trade Show
The annual Make It Safe Conference and Trade show is hosted and organized by the Manufacturing Safety Alliance of BC during Manufacturing Month in October. This two day conference is held in a different venue every year, and provides Alliance members, exhibitors and sponsors the opportunity to network, attend panel discussions and workshops for training credits.
As the full-time in-house designer for the Alliance, Kathy redesigned the conference branding and collateral from top to bottom, making the conference more sustainable while maximizing the overall visual impact.

An extensive social media campaign was launched, with regular updated on programming, and sharing graphics for the speakers and exhibitors to run on their own social media platform.
Pre-event collateral includes a call for speakers, exhibitors, and sponsors collateral, a multi-phased social media campaign, printed posters, buck-slips, digital advertising, ‘convince your boss’ letters, and dedicated Make It Safe website. Day-of event materials include branded swag, directional signage, banners, digital kiosks, printed programs, exhibitor passports, conference surveys, branded presentation templates for speakers, and Innovation Award trophy, presentation and voting cards.

Branded presentation templates were provided to guest speakers.

Program excerpts. Day 1 uses blue as a key colour scheme, day 2 uses orange.
The blue/orange colour scheme was chosen to both stand out from the Alliance and tie into it. Orange is a colour used in safety for its high visibility. Blue complements the orange, helps to calm down the bright colours and ties into the Alliance scheme.

Re-usable directional signs were produced that can be updated every year with graphics and text printed in-house